I’ve researched and linked to 100 different golf simulator setups I’ve found in my travels around the internet and from my research on what kind of simulator I was going to build myself. From budget basement builds to the golf simulators of our dreams, you can find it below. DIY’ers have put together some amazing simulators and I’m hopeful that some of these setups can help you in your quest to build your own golf sim.
Let’s take a look at 100 different golf simulator builds.
Budget To Baller – 100 Golf Simulator Builds
You may want to bookmark this page (Ctrl + D) so you can reference back to it when you build out or upgrade your own sim.
The following links are going to lead out to other sites – major ones like Facebook, Reddit, Discord and a few others. You will need to join them to see all of the links below.
These simulators are in no particular order, except for the first one which is mine.
My golf simulator – featuring a GC2, fiberbuilt 4×7 hitting mat and the Carls premium 16’x9‘ impact screen.
PgaProBTW shows his budget garage build with a Garmin R10 and Sporina net
B0y3rrr shows his garage setup with the Spronia net and added the screen. He paired that with an Epson 880 projector and an R10 for a damn good looking solution.
Jerry builds a Sim Shed to get his GSPro fix and have a nice simulator space.
whatsupchckenbutt shows his beautiful sim with leather paneling around the walls and ceiling.
country_dev shares his garage setup that looks great. He built his own enclosure out of wood and paired it with the Carls Place premium impact screen and their Hotshot 4×9 hitting mat and the Mevo+.
Kevin has his garage sim with Mevo+ and a Carls diy premium enclosure at 8.5×11.5
Slickmoontrip shows his $1300 build with the R10 and a net from Amazon.
Perfect_Score_8099 shows his before and after garage build out with a GCHAWK – he says his build out was around 45k – very sweet!
IPv6Freely shows a very interesting setup he found in his searches for garages that need to park cars in there as well (join the Sim Golf Discord Here)
JoeKramers current setup hitting into a net in his garage and uses a computer monitor to display the shot / simulator.
New_Option346 shares his $1,200 sim build *also some comments advising against rawhide hitting mat and upgrading to fiberbuilt (I use fiberbuilt and recommend you can see my fiberbuilt review here.)
Wealthjn shows his setup from beginning to playable
HFH shows his completed SIM that he put in his basketball gym.
Mike has a super sweet foresight gchawk system sim-n-a-box package
grauen06 shows his buildout playing TGC2019 with a carls 8×8 . Has LED lights around his enclosure gives it a fun look and uses a Roxor control box to make play more enjoyable.
muggz shows his screen and setup for a smaller sized solution
p3eps shows in awesome detail how he built a fold up garage sim
Johngofettt shows in video his sweet sim build
Gary shows his Mevo+ with Ezee tee hitting matt
Linkkingx shows his small setup hitting into a net with a GC2 reading the shots.
GarageGolfHack shows his retractable sim build before and after using METechs retractable screen.
Dispatches shows us his small but full swing driver and all setup
JavysChain shows his clean setup
GSPro’s ATP (one of the developers) shows off his setup featuring a killer GSPro sign and his offset uneekor setup.
Joeyhalls posts his sweet setup garage/mancave setup with a automatic ball dispenser and he is about to upgrade to the EyeXO from Mevo+
ellingit’s super sweet garage setup
richerod shows his garage build where he uses the middle bay of a 3 car garage for his setup and movable platform
verb shows his net + impact screen garage setup that he can slide out of the way for parking
IPv6Freely shows us his garage layout
donniecrunch has a setup where he removed some of the joists to open up his area
railroaded_yaya uses a hand crank to roll his retractable impact screen up and down
RalphP shows an innovative way to protect his screen with a net. Useful when you are hitting close to your screen, the spin on the balls can eat through even the tougheset screens.
NY1520throwaway has a nice DIY build in his garage. Nice boogie board for left side wall protection! the good part is he can roll the mats and turf up in 20 mins so his wife can park in there if need be.
Stephen shows his outdoor build with graphics on his walls.
mr.chick shows his garage setup where he uses his 3rd bay for his simulator
Joe has his custom 16×9 carls with flaps
PaulG shows his 4.8m wide screen setup and archery netting to help with impact behind screen and to protect from super low shots
Ryry190 has a 12.5′ wide EyeXO setup with a separate office. Pretty slick
Aquafina9 is building out an unused loft in a warehouse
Randy has his diy setup with R10
Big Papi’s setup hung without an enclosure – looks fairly wide.
Fillipp0 shows his outdoor DIY build from Brazil. It works – at least for now
gregsam has a sweet setup and innovative rod holder solution for keeping his clubs tidy and organized.
NearbyTomorrow9605 shows his Metech roller
richerod shows his setup with a bullseye golf impact screen
Dancolebutthole shows his work in progress build. Here is the bottom of his screen using a firehose filled with sand
Grant_ shows us his nearly completed simulator space that is super sweet.
Grant_ shares the early progress of his designated simulator space
XxKaaB00mxX shows his garage build with mevo+
Sai builds a 22d x 20w x 10.5h addition to his house to put in his simulator – uses a Carls 8.5×11.5 setup.
FrugalFixerSpike – shows a super innovative and cheap solution to hanging his impact screen and has a youtube video if you want to see more with a garmin r10 in an outdoor building for around $1185
Clint has an interesting setup underneath his outside deck
pjo336 setup with a net and desires to go full enclosures with putting to the screen
Linkkingx shows his basement build without enclosure
stephen makes progress on his build
stephen shows his bare minimum setup – golf balls can be hit!
stephen shows his smaller sim setup a little more completed
ctrabert bought the foresight sim-in-a-box and it looks very nice. They have this at costco of all places some of the time.
JohnHipp31 shows his awesome space – huge and wide open
Danny MRICS shows us his 10′ wide setup – great reference to how width of the room will affect where you hit and if it offset
p3eps shows in awesome detail how he built a fold up garage sim
Grmplse has a very clean basement sim
vivaniumcarriage has a sweet outdoor build
Mark shows his unique space in his garage and his desire to upgrade from the R10
The Lawn Engineer gives his 1 year review of his DIY garage simulator with retractable screen
PaulG shows his nice and wide setup – I would not sit in those chairs off to the front right while someone is teeing off, that’s for sure.
T3Achilles-golfer shows his very nice basement sim
Dwade shows his build in a room with a vaulted ceiling
Golf64501 shows his screen without an enclosure
ssevcik shows his retractable screen and enclosure setup and plays a hole using the mevo+ and GSPRO – also shows the setup using a 9′ ceiling.
jvh1686 shows his garage sim
Big Papi shows his setup without an enclosure
JGixrod3 shows his garage setup and a paint drop sheet solution for losing balls and tees beneath your screen
gregsam12 shares his setup and a low cost solution to hold your clubs
Christopher has a 179″ wide and 101″ high with 102″ deep enclosure from Carls and the eyexo
gropper76 shows thanks for a club holding solution and shows his setup
Zach shows the sim on a trailer setup that looks really sweet : *(he actually runs a business called Caddy Wagon Mobile Golf located in New England area.
BuffaloBill69 shows his spotlight solution for 9.5′ ceilings
lets play thru shows his simulator 8x high by 14x wide is perfect for 16×9 projector
Wij asks if GSPRo could support two GC2s playing together for righty and lefties
DaYooper56 has a stealth retractable screen from Par2Pro whom is based in Canada
Andrew has a nice setup in his building with an eyexo
Ed has an outdoor setup with putting green and here is the daytime view
Derrick calls for some outdoor setups and shows one he found in his research
CzaklZolar shows a super innovative and cheap shield for his projector
SimDropsR4pussies shows his garage setup hitting into a net in a smaller space
Ill_be_in_the_rough shows his hitting garage setup with sporina net and truestrike mat
Icy_Pound_4732 has a diy build playing GSPRO
jrkuhn92 shows how he plays optishot with foam balls (for now).
Apex_noname made a homemade net – amazing!
Gary shows his almost done sim build – super high ceilings and a big wide sim.
Mike has a mevo+ setup and a fishing rod rack from amazon for his club holders
shyne151 has a nice fishing pole rack for a club holder and a diy divot action and extended hitting area
Jeff shows his 13×9 screen with enclosure that he hits 8′ away from.
Jeremy wants to upgrade his projector to a 4k but is having issues finding anything within budget. He also has a nice clean looking setup with the GC3.
Christian has a nice commercial business build out running Eye XO with GSPro
Matt has a nice setup with an EyeXO and money putt turf over 1″ foam gym tiles and the holy grail hitting strip.
Wade shows his garage build with the enclosure process to give an idea of space and how he set it up
Ryan shows a killer curved screen golf sim and racing rig which looks amazing.
Bret enjoys his sim in the morning in his slippers and pj’s. Nice setup with the Garmin R10
Build Your Own Golf Simulator
- DIY Golf Simulator Guide – what you must know before beginning your golf simulator build.
- Compare Entry to Mid Level Launch Monitors – these are the LM’s most of us are going to buy.
- My 2 Year Review of the Carls Place PREMIUM impact screen – my 16×9 screen thoughts after 2 years of regular use.
- My Cheapest Golf Sim Build Ever
What kind of light are you using on the hitting mat /area?
Would you recommend that approach or over head lighting?
Thank you for your info.
Sorry man I missed this comment. I’m using this Tenergy 11W dimmable desk lamp. https://amzn.to/3aIlJai
It has worked great for the 4+ years I’ve had my SIM running. Easy solution if you don’t want to worry about setting up an overhead spotlight.