Welcome to OnTheGreen.Golf
Born during the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, my personal home golf simulator became known as “On The Green”. My buddies come over and we play scrambles and best balls, and I play in a weekly online golf tour called Sim Golf Tour.
I’m Jason. I’m a hack golfer who is drawn to horrible games like golf and poker. Plus I had a perfect out-building just waiting for a golf simulator to be born.
After watching some youtube videos of people playing simulator golf, the idea started forming. What what kind of investment would it take to turn my 20×40 building into a golf simulator?

Since I’m also a web-master in real life, making a website to share this information was a no-brainer. There is a ton of information out there, but it’s all disjointed and found all over different areas of the web. I wanted to make a resource that helps people who are new and researching a golf simulator find the quality info so they can make an informed choice.
The original idea for the my website ran through as many design changes for my simulator did.
In the simulator build out, I completely changed my initial design including moving the impact screen to an entirely new wall and removing garage door hardware. I have a 20×40 building that on the inside measured 17.5′ wide by 38′ deep. My first thought was to have a 16′ wide screen placed along one of the 40′ walls (the long walls) of my rectangle building and there would be nothing behind you except a wall when swinging. Additional players would have to sit off to the sides. After thinking about it, I changed my design completely moving the screen back along the 17.5′ wall and removing some garage hardware to get the screen within a couple feet of the garage door. I still had a full 35′ from screen to to set up a hitting area and have room for ‘hangout area’ where people wait for their turn to swing and to having a weight rack where I can lift weights in the morning. This turned out to be a fantastic decision as my room really flows well (you can see in the video above). Later I added turf more or less wall to wall and that made it so much better.
The website went through a few changes as well. I started out planning to use the domain, FakeGolf.com. But I didn’t like the word ‘fake’ in the brand (lol) honestly. I also registered Indoorgolfers.com but that is boring. I do like my PlaySimGolf.com domain which I may go to at some point honestly.

I decided on ‘On The Green’ because it’s a fun play on words. We always trying to get on the green, right?

I went with the .golf vanity domain extension because the .com was for sale for $11,000… just for the domain name. I’ve never developed a vanity domain name extension like .golf, so that was also something new I wanted to try. It turns out it is ranking just fine in google.
So, I wanted to build a website that focused on the niche of golf simulators and indoor golf. I’m publishing honest reviews and guides not influenced by advertising, which we do not accept, however if you want to send me a new Uneekor Eye XO that would be sweet.
Welcome to On The Green, a guide on do it yourself home golf simulators and indoor golf technology.
We Built Our Own Golf Simulator – DIY Style
In January of 2020 the OTG golf simulator was born.

Born meaning that even though it was and is still a work in progress, you could play simulator golf in it. Since then it is slowly being updated, upgraded and finished out with indoor golf gear.

It took me about a year of casual but regular research to come to the build the simulator that I wanted. Since I had already done most of the research and actually enjoyed the industry I decided to build this website to share my research and keep up with the growing world of indoor golf. I am going to review the products I am using and trying out as well as keep up to date with the most interesting developments in the growing world of indoor golf.
This website is going to detail how-to guides for those of us who want to ‘Do it Yourself’ home golf simulator. We will work to cover the pieces and parts of the simulator puzzle with reviews, opinion and links to info you want to know about the products on the market today.

Real Reviews With Opinion
I review and give my opinion on all the golf gear we discuss here at OnTheGreen.
If you take a minute to check out any of the reviews, you’ll see that they are pretty critical.
I find nothing more worthless than reviews that only shout the praises of the products. I want to know what is wrong with it… what does not work like advertised… what needs improvement and things that I would change if I could.
I am hopeful that my reviews provide you with the information you need to help make the best choice for you.
I am not influenced by the commissions that referral programs provide to these products. The blunt answer is that it is not significant and not worth it to me not to be just straight up honest.
None of these products, companies or places where you end up buying this stuff employ me or get to tell me what to say. You read my opinion and get my research, good and bad.
It’s nice to be free to say whatever I want. I just want to help you make informed decisions and share my .02c with those of you who happen across this website.
Affiliate Disclaimer
We do sometimes receive compensation if you visit one of our linked shops (like Amazon, RainorShine Golf, or ShopIndoorGolf and others) and end up buying something. In this instance we earn a small commission that does not affect your price nor does it dictate our reviews or rankings.
This website is much more a project of enjoyment than designed to squeeze every cent out of it’s potential value. I review, criticize and applaud golf simulator related gear as I try them myself.
As a website visitor – you can buy whatever you want, I does not matter to me. if you want to help me buy a box of noodles then make sure you click my links before you purchase. Or don’t and just type in the sites directly. It’s all good either way – I just want to help you make a more informed decision and avoid any costly mistakes!
My name and face is on this site (you see me in the vids). I have been building websites long time now. I know that a website that provides honest opinion from an actual user, with honest reviews highlighting the good and bad info will do far more in attracting and maintaining users than a website built to primarily to sell you products or sell advertising.
Just go read one of my reviews, like what I love and hate about TGC2019 simulator golf and you will see for yourself that I do not hold back on my reviews. You are going to learn the good and the bad.
You can email me at indoorgolfers at g male dot com. (misspelled on purpose to avoid spam, real people feel free to email me!)
I hope you find this site useful in your quest to build your own golf simulator!
Please spread the word and link to this site freely and share with others. The info will always be free to all!